(There are a plethora of quotations by Carl Jung on the web, the vast majority of them without an source. This site, "Carl Jung -- an anthology of thought", is one of the best Jungian websites. It provides quoations, with their source, on many of the important topic areas in Jungian thought. -- sparker)
Our personal psychology is just a thin skin, a ripple on the ocean of collective psychology. The powerful factor, the factor which changes our whole life, which changes the surface of our known world, which makes history, is collective psychology, and collective psychology moves according to laws entirely different from those of our consciousness. The archetypes are the great decisive forces, they bring about the real events, and not our personal reasoning and practical intellect ... The archetypal images decide the fate of man.
Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice: The Tavistock Lectures (1935). In CW 18: (retitled) "The Tavistock Lectures" P. 183