Looking for Jung

If the Internet acknowledges a god, that god has to be Hermes: mediator, communicator, messenger, trickster, patron of merchants, always on the move. His attributes seem as inexhaustible as does the Internet, of which he seems to be the soul.

Dolores E. Brien

This blog originally started as an attempt to explore how Jungian thinking applies the current culture (and cultural mess) that we are now in. I have been surprised the the limited number of articles that are contemporary; most of the websites are re-hashes of Jungian theory, or sites with un-attributed quotations from Jung. I was particularly surprised that during this last recent archetypal election there was no Jungian commentary I could find, in spite of all the projectons, the shadow material, and the alchemical transformation process that were clearly present. (Can you imagine a five minute Jungian commentary at the end of a newscast? Or at least an editorial opinion in the New York Times? Where are our Jungian journalists?)

The first website listed on a Google search for "Jung" is the Wikiepedia page on Jung; the second is for the C.G. Jung page, sponsored by the Jung Center of Houston and begun by Jungian analyst Don Williams in 1995. There are substantial resources on the website, including links to 286 articles on Analytical Psychology. However, as far as I can tell, there is no index and no way to search the site. New posts to the page occur about every month.

I was delighted today to come across a blog called the "A Jungian Notebook," by Dolores Brien, with the subtitle "Readings in Techne and Psyche: Jungian and other Sources." Perphaps there is hope yet for a greater Jungian presence on the Web, the most powerful influence in the culture.

[Image: "Bidden or not bidden, God is present"; this was the quotation carved over the front door of Jung's house.]